The book that I am currently reading is called Queen of Kentucky by Alecia Whitaker. This book is about a girl named Ricki Jo, and she lives in Kentucky, obviously. Her whole story is about her transitioning into a new school and trying to figure out her the right friends for her. You see, in the small town that she lives in, there is only one of everything. One movie theater, one shopping mall, one elementary one middle and one high school, and one church. Ricki Jo when to the very little Catholic school all her life up until high school. in the Catholic school that she went to, there was only one class per grade, so basically everybody knew everybody. Which is no fun, and super boring. Well, things are pretty different in her new high school, being the only one in the town, all of the high school kids are going to go there, which makes it pretty hard to know everybody, and also hard to chose just who would be a good fit friend for you. Ricki Jo does know some people though, like her friend since she was born, Luke. The live just a block away from each other, and before they were both born, their parents were friends to in high school. I think that it's nice to have a friend like that, that you've known all of you life. Luke and his dad have a tobacco farm, that hasn't been doing so well and could really use some extra help, and since after Ricki o's dad took a factory job, there's nothing for them to do in the summer during the day, since he has night shifts, so they help them out on their farm. I think that the geological location of this book really helps the character decide who her real friends are because it gives her time to spend with certain people she isn't sure about.
Ricki Jo living in Kentucky, which is a state where some people can still live off of agriculture and selling their crops to companies, helps her with her problem as a character. Since her and her family is helping her friend Luke out on his farm, she is getting to spend more time with him, and really see his true intensions. You see, Ricki Jo, when she goes to school is kind of stuck between a rock and a hard place. She has to choose between hanging out with the popular kids at school, or hanging out with the people that she knows to be her true friends. I think that by helping Luke out on he farm is a great way to spend time together, also allowing them to talk things out it they're having any type of problem.
Also, in Kentucky, since there are so many kids, they do just about everything in alphabetical order. They divide homerooms, lockers, desks all in alphabetical order. This changes the way that Ricki Jo can even get to new people because at school, she'll just be around all the same people all day long. Which might not be so bad in some ways, like then she'll end up getting to know whoever's next to her really, really well. Which is such a coincidence, that David Wolfenbaker sits right next to her in every class, has a locker next to her, and all the same classes with her. That gives her an advantage, especially since he is the boy of her dreams, she'll then be able to get to know him a lot beter.
So basically, all in all, the geological location of this story really helps Ricki Jo, as a character, solve her problem in choosing which friends to side with, and helps her realize who actually holds true intensions.
This was a very perceptive post. It was well formatted and thorough. It was also very thoughtful. Good job.