Monday, November 28, 2011

Blogs that In Liked This Month...

(My comments summed up).
Books beyond Ink and Paper - Joshua Waldman
There are many reasons why I like Joshua Waldmans blog. One reason is because he always adds just the right of information into his posts. For example, his post on Shakespear's play Twelth NIght, when he wrote about the blog and then talked about his opinion on how weird and unusual it was. It was a very good amount of information about the actual plot, and then writing about his opinion. It wasn't to long up to a point where somebody, like myself, wouldn't want to read it, but it was a pretty good amount. Also, Joshua Waldman connects really well, too. Whether it's connect book to self, world or text. He always finds something that connect very well and explains it really well. For example, his post about Dreams and Let America be America Again. He compared those two texts very well, stating the similarities and differences. It really gave a great outlook through other points of view.
Worlds in Words - Sydney Dellaratta
There are many reasons why I like the blog Worlds in Words by Sydney Dellaratta, but on ereason in specific is because she uses a wide variety of blog post types. Like her first post on a book was based on a connection of the book The Last Song by Nicholas Sparks and herself. She related herself to the book, which is also something that she does really well, but that's besides the point. Another post type that she used was an essay type of post. Her second post, that was also about the last song, explained the impact of music on her main charactwers life, Ronnie. She stated many reasons on why and how music impacted her life. Also, in her social action post she elaborated on a song, Dear Mr. President by P!nk. That was very interesting and another type of post that she used. That's why I really like Sydney Dellaratta's blog.
Alphabet Soup - Olivia Stone
One main reason on why I like Olivia Stone's blog is because she uses a tremendous amount of voice in her posts. If you read anyone you will see the word 'I' come up many times. She also writes her posts as if she was talking to you. It makes it more interesting for one, and also it draws you more into the post. Like you're haviing a conversation with her, even though you really arent. She also tells you her opinion very assertively. It makes you feel as if that's exactly whats right, which is also another great aspect of the voice in her blogs, it kind of shows you her personality and how she is as a person, which is aslo really good too.

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