Sunday, November 20, 2011

My Mother-Social Awareness Writing #3

I think my mother is somebody who changes the world in a way, a small way, but still in a way. Right now my mother is the principal of the school that she just started about two years ago. But that isn't all, most of the things that you'll learn about her experience as an educator are here, in this interview.

1.What does it feel like to know that you are the provider of education for little people?
Great. (Please elaborate...) It's a very uplifting feeling to know that I am affecting at least seven years of a child's life. (Will you have a big impact?) Yes. I have a big impact due to the vision of my school and the work that I expect my teachers to do for my school and the students who attend.
2. How long have you been in the education system?
22 years. (wow).
3. What was your process of going from a teacher to now being a principle of your very own school?
Well first, I substituted in brooklyn for a year at a lot of different elementary schools. Then I got a job as an ESL (English as a Second Language) teacher. Then I taught sixth grade and fifth grade, 4/5 bridge class. Then I taught a K-5 Art class, then I taught a 3rd grade class, then fifth grade again. Then I was the math coach. Then I was an Assistant Principle, then I went back to being a math coach and data specialist. That's when I wrote a proposal to create a new school as the education leader (principal), and I got it.
4. Do you feel accomplished as an educator?
After all of that? Yeah...
5. Who is your role model? (In the educational system, that is).
Dr. Lorraine Monroe, who was principal of the first Fredrick Douglas Academy. Also, the principal that I worked under, Judy Aronson. Oh, and Mr. Stanislaus. (;

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