Friday, November 18, 2011

Which One Are You?

     The book that I read this week is called Trading Faces by Julia DeVillers and Jennifer Roy. This book is about a pair of twins, Payton and Emma, and they're going to a new school, a public school. They've been in a private school, a very small one at that, all their lives up until the seventh grade when they moved to the public school. They are both very excited but for different reasons. Payton, the more girly one who is way more worried about other people's thoughts on her, is excited for this new school because of cute boys, more people, and the fact that classes switch up which means more people and more cute boys. Emma on the other hand, who is the more intelligent one and more focused on her academics, is excited for a new school because it means a new set of people to challenge her intelligence. Both really excited they come to this new school. Unfortunately their first days of school don't go so well. Payton embarrases herself infront the the most popular guy in school and Emma feels like there are so many more people who are smarter than her. That's when they agree on a switch.
     Payton and Emma decide to switch being each other just for a little bit, since either of them wouldn't really care about the situations each one is going through.
     This book kind of reminds me of this movie called It Takes Two. It's staring Marry Kate and Ashley Olsen. In the movie neither of them know each other at all. One of them is an orphan living at a town orphanage, Amanda. The other one is totally rich and lives in a lake house with her dad, Alyssa. Amanda's orphanage goes on this yearly camping trip to this camp that's across lake that Alyssa lives by. One day, Alyssa finds out that her dad is getting married to this woman, and runs away, which just happens to be the day of the orphanage football game. Amanda didn't really know how to play so throwing her the ball wasn't the best idea, and she ends up running into the forest and doesn't stop. Alyssa and Amanda end up running into each other and finding that they look exactly alike. In total aw and in current unsatisfying life situations they decide to switch places.
     If you have read and seen both these movies you would totally see why I think they are similar. In the book there is a pair of girls who aren't happy and both decide to switch and experience what it's like to be somebody else. In the end of both books it doesn't end up well, in Trading Faces people find out that they were faking and people start to not like them, until the apoligize and beg for their forgiveness. In It Takes Two there's a family that wants to adopt Amanda, but it's really Alyssa and she ends up running away to trade places.
     All in all, I don't think that it is a good idea to switch places with somebody, if you can, when life get's tough. If your put in a situation it's because you can get out of it. If you don't even try, you won't learn anything.


  1. I like how you connect the book with a movie. It makes the book more relatable for those who have not read the book. Also, nice, thorough paragraphs. Overall, nice job on this.

  2. You used a really good connection between the book and the movie. Both of these also remind me of The Parent Trap
